Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Colonialism and Class Division

In Frantz Fanon's "The Wretched of the Earth" a new sets of political divisions are discussed that haven't garnered nearly any attention in by our other authors. Their is a strong class like division seen between the rural masses and the urban colonized intellectuals that Fanon describes. Although they seemingly should both be together in their strong opposition to Western colonial power, Fanon describes a division between the two. A distrust between tribal divisions is played upon by colonial powers to protect their strength as is the division between the urban proletariat and bourgeoisie and the rural peasantry. Those colonized who have rubbed shoulders and worked the colonial system to their advantaged are not trusted by the rural masses nor do they trust them either. (p.67) Although the sponteniety of a violent revoult by the rural masses is cheered by the urban colonized, they have made little effort to work them into a political framework or to honor traditional authority. They have themselves become simular in ideology and in class to the colonist. These divisions spillover into to a post-colonial liberation. I think that the political divisions of which Fanon speaks are interesting yet tragic because you can see the damaged left in African because of them today.

1 comment:

Prof. Hersch said...


Great job -- insightful and well written.