Monday, August 11, 2008

Une Nouveau Raison D'etre

This blog began as an assignment for a college political science class by the same name as this blog's title (Modern Political Thought). Originally, my professor asked students to start a blog to comment on reading assignments to prove that we had read the assigned selections. The class was interesting with a mix of modern philosophic works pertaining to a variety of topics which help establish a theoretical framework for political science. Each post was read and graded by the professor based on content. Now that the class has ended over several months ago, its original use has long since been exhausted. Having had to create a blogger account for this class, I recently decided to continue bloging even without a professor's provoke.

I am not quite sure what will appear here or if I will even have the long term commitment, time, and interest to continue much beyond this point in the future. But the basic plan is to journal my thoughts and to share the insights of others about politics, the 2008 election, current events, and all the related ideas that may pop up in my head from time to time. I hope to add interesting thoughts and commentary that tries to capture the complex nature of the world from a variety of standpoints. If nothing else, at least this won’t just be a forgotten empty blog that I had to create for an old class. I guess I figured that since I had began the work creating this and posting on it, I might as well preserve it rather than delete it or simply forget about it. I welcome comments and suggestions and from there we will see.